Keep calm because school is over!

School has been fun. Those good years I had with friends, teach me that not everyone going to be around you forever, teach me not everyone will stay when I need a help, teach me how to compete to be the best among the best, teach me how to get along and communicate with people, to deal with problems, to arrange things that need to be arrange, to do things by your own, to make memories. I've learnt that school is not just about getting knowledge and passes the exams, but also teach me how to be a person, how to live. Because of that, I am very thankful to my parents because they sent me to school. 

Video ni masa last paper. Masing-masing dah tak sabar-sabar nak keluar padahal cikgu baru nak kutip kertas mwhahaha. Now, spm is finally over. I'm glad but also sad. I'm glad that I can finally take a break from studying, no need to go to extra classes, no more curiculum, just no more. That's why I felt relieved that school is over. Behind all of that relieveness (which I don't know if that word was actually exist and just lazy to open dictionary), I'm so sad. Right now. Seriously. 

No more waking up early morning on weekdays and get ready to school. No more feeling stressful because you're late to school because I'm the person who always came late to school yes hi, nice to meet you. No more sing a school song, and national song, and state song which I actually love because that is the time that I think I can let my voice out ehehe. Yes I love to sing. No more long assembly and lecture from head teachers. No more laughing at pengawas bertugas's mistakes haha. No more complaint penat kena naik tangga empat tingkat setiap hari the same complaint. No more get a lesson from teachers, no more learning new stuff with your classmates, no more getting annoyed with your classmates, no more gossiping with my tablemate and not doing our homework when teachers told us to but ended up I'm the first who sent the work. No more the feeling when you can't wait for recess time. No more rehat depan surau which that was our port since forever. No more telling about problems and gossips while eating with my girlfriends, no more being scolded sebab masuk kelas lambat, no more rasa terseksa bila ada saja cikgu yang nak ganti kalau ada cikgu tak ada, no more laughing together with classmates, just no more everything and it's just too long to even make a list about it. But I know that I am really going to miss doing those stupid fun stuffs with my friends. So much.

Habis dah sekolah. Lepas ni tak ada dah orang panggil budak sekolah. Tak ada dah orang ejek aku itu ini. Tak ada dah nicknames yang pelik-pelik dan yang menyakitkan hati hahahahaha. Yeayyyy hehehe. What am I going to do with my life after this. Hoo hooo. By the way, I make this video and I don't know why hahaha. Banyak kali kot tape dah macam shooting apa and ini yang paling ok kot, aku rasa. Ber-background-kan blok rumah lol loser. Sibuk sangat exam sampai lupa birthday ayah hihi

Hello people. Saya budak baru habis sekolah :) 

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