
I get this a lot.
"Siti dah baik sekarang keluar pakai handsocks bagai"
"Eh ustazah!!"
"Muslimah la you"
and etc.

To be honest, I used to feel uncomfortable when people calls me with that sort of names like ustazah all that and they call me just because I am wearing handsocks all the time. Blergh, not all the time but everytime I left the house lah (I must wear a handsocks if I'm wearing baju kurung or any short sleeve blouse because it was sooooo comfortable). I remember there's one day, I went out with some highschool girl friends who I haven't seen in a while, diorang tegur I dah pakai handsocks. That time, alasan aku ialah aku tak tahan sejuk (which is true and that time we were going to watch movie), so I have to wear a handsocks eventhough I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt. I've been using the same alasan the whole time. Most probably because I am too lazy to layan what are they going to say about me because I don't give a shit actually and maybe just because I does not like when people think that I am sort of alim or what. Sorry, I was a teenager. Remaja, standard lah mesti nak acah-acah ranggi funky. In fact, this is not a new thing. I've been wearing handsocks since I'm in highschool. I used to be in this group of nasyeed girls, wakil sekolah apa semua. So, we have been educated to cover up since that. How am I supposed to say this---

- Handsock adalah wajib kalau pakai baju kurung
- Handsock adalah wajib kalau pakai shirts yg lengannya tak cukup panjang dan tak dapat nak cover up the entire hand.
*Wajib means I must wear when I want to go out from the house.

To be honest pharagraph 2, I was actually am afraid to write this post because I'm afraid that I might change in the future (Allah, please protect me from doing that). I am afraid that I am going to turn out to be someone different from who I am now and people might think that I was just talking shits "cakap je tapi tak buat". Anyhow, these days I am finally feeling like, why do I have to feel embarass? Why do I have to feel insecure? I love to see those muslimah covering up their aurah beautifully. They are proud of themselves. 

Langkawi, 2014.
Dalil al-Quran:
"Wahai Nabi, suruhlah isteri-isterimu dan anak-anak perempuanmu serta perempuan-perempuan yang beriman, supaya melabuhkan pakaiannya bagi menutup seluruh tubuhnya (semasa mereka keluar); cara yang demikian lebih sesuai untuk mereka dikenal (sebagai perempuan yang baik-baik) maka dengan itu mereka tidak diganggu. Dan (ingatlah) Allah adalah Maha Pengampun, lagi Maha Mengasihani." (Surah Al-Ahzab, ayat 59)

Bestfriend aku kat matrik, nama dia Wa. Dia ada banyak gila socks, handsocks, tudung and all. Aku suka pergi bilik dia pinjam tudung sebab tudung dia labuh sikit dari yg aku selalu pakai. Masa tu rasa seronok pakai tudung labuh-labuh. Tak pinjam dekat Wa, aku pinjam dekat Qistina. Bidang 55-60 kau. Despite Perlis was so hot at that time compared to anywhere else in Malaysia. Perlis has the highest temperature, tapi panas bukan penghalang. Masa tu aku lagi rasa seronok tutup aurat ni. I don't know, I just did. Aku suka tengok Wa pakai handsocks warna-warni, keluar pakai stokin and I wanna be just like her. 

So now, aku paling suka bila orang tegur "cantiknya handsock Ika"/"Ika ada banyak handsock eh?"/"Ika, nak pinjam handsock". Things that shows they are interested rather than just saying that I am alim or something. The feeling, it was great. Paling seronok bila kau dapat tarik saudari Islam semua untuk menutup aurat bersama. Kalau korang nak, pinjamlah handsock/tudung aku semua. I wouldn't mind. Serious, perasaan tu best tau. Apart of loving to see those beautiful muslimah covered up their aurah which makes me want to look like one of them, why not!! Tunjuk kepada mereka betapa indahnya menutup aurat :") 

Same goes to stokin kaki, tudung menutup dada dan pemakaian yg tidak ketat. Kita semua masih belajar, aku pun masih belajar, Sikit demi sedikit, inshaaAllah. Yang penting, istiqamah. Sama-sama kita buat perkara yg disuruh oleh Allah. Kalau dah start pakai, gerenti dah tak nak buka sebab it is surprisingly very comfy. Jom gais. Ini kalilah.

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