
Hi guys.

It's Sunday!! And tomorrow is Monday and Tuesday and I just can't wait for Wednesday (which means its holiday and I can stay in KL more than just two days)! Basically, this post is about nothing. I'm just bored. Hehe

I've decided to not go back this weekend because I'm literally just arrived from KL on last Wednesday. I need to save some money (I'm broke), so yeah. I'm staying in Melaka this weekend. Nothing much to do, just chilling and wasting more time like I usually does. Lol

(I miss my boyfriend. We went out last Wednesday and watched Maze Runner. It was our first time seeing/talking to each other after weeks of semester break where I don't get to see him eventhough we are both lives in KL and we both stayed home like a good girls do. Hahahah. Anyways, he left me alone this weekend and go back to KL. Thanks mok...)

*baru cerita pasal dia, then my phone is suddenly rings, his name is on the screen* 
*hehe brb*


- Went out with Azfa and Farah yesterday (for the first time walaupun dah 3 semester serumah). Pisang gell. Selalu menghadap Hajar and Nisa je. Karaoke 2 jam, makan and do some shopping. 
- I bought a new lipstick! OMG I am so excited! I've texted akak and posted some selfies with red lips bcs I am too excited haha!
- I'm starting back my crazy hobby--reading novel. God, I cannot remember when was the last time I've finished to read the whole book. Like seriously. It's been a really long time. Thanks for this cough I don't want to learn a new song because I can't sing and it is also the reason why I did not bring my uke this time. I need some changes. A good one. However, when I've started to read, I will not do anything else until I finish read the whole book. That's why I called it as my crazy hobby. In fact, I've been reading this novel since last two days. That is all I ever did. God save me.

*I get addicted to things so easy lah. Aish.*

Most of the time weekend ni aku terpaksa dengar Pa membebel pasal masalah-masalah dia dan dia pun terpaksa dengar aku membebel masalah-masalah aku. Eh wait, this sounds like the whole sem's routine nothing special???? Hahaha. Ada satu malam ni punyalah seronok Put urut badan aku sambil baca novel dan makan aiskrim banana yang Meishu beli. They are the best. I am so blessed to have these girls to live with.

Stress dengan line yes 4g asyik blinking. Dah buat report tapi aku tak faham dia suruh aku buat apa sebenarnya. Failed!!! Hahahaha.

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