1 Month of Real Working Life!

Yes. Today mark as an official one month of me working in this company. First two weeks has been amazing. Rainbows and flowers spirit every time go to work. I love it in here. My colleague are all fun people. Fun and always motivates me to become someone better. Then the feeling started to drift.... My workload is messy and one day I just crack. And to be honest, I still do right now. I don't want to be such a baby so yeah, currently pushing myself to do my best :)

Other than that, it also marks as one month of being in a long-distance relationship. How to say, sometimes I do feel lonely. Most of time is because I was too stress at work and I needed him by my side but he's not there. I miss him a lot, no words can describe. I just hope that the time flies very fast so that I can see him again.

I don't know why do I feel so down lately. One second people got ask me if I'm doing okay, or am I okay, I can straightly burst into tears already. Why la am I like this. This is so weird. I were never like this before.

I believe that time will heal the pain so that's what I'm wishing for right now. But really, I can feel that I'm becoming someone else. My head keeps telling me that it is part of growing up. Finding your true self. So I'm giving myself some time. I deserves it.

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