Almost done with my probation period.

Okay so working life is I won't say it is good but yeah, bearable. Thank God the traffic to the office in the morning is great so I can leave the house 30 minutes before. Compared to my internship days... Need to leave an hour and a half and take the bus and all. This is one of the good things I'm blessed with. This is my third month in this company. I don't know if I have reach my KPI for my probation or not. Everyone please pray for me ya. Please pray my boss will give me confirmation anytime soon and raise my salary! Woohoo! Hehe.

Anyway, working as an Operation Executive cum Wedding Planner has been nothing but fun (read: headache/heartache). Hahaha! Dealing with not one, but uncountable numbers of bridezilla... You need to have 200% level of patience. Trust me. But heyyy, what a coincidence! It really suits me cause I can be patient tho. I really do. So far well there are some cases that I've failed to entertain but alhamdulillah for others. I still have so many to learn, so many to face, so many to improve but as long as my heart wanted to, nothing can stop me.

I feel like doing a vlog about my experiences since my YouTube channel has only filled with videos during my highschool years lol but then no thanks. Nanti boss aku jumpa video tu tak memasal hahahaha so yeah, decided not to do that. That's why I'm hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

By the way, can you guys believe that we are in the end of two thousand seventeen???? Like how crazy the time flies! I'm turning twenty-awesome next month what the neraka!!!! I miss everything about study life. Dari sekolah ke matriks ke universiti. Semua aku rindu. Kena kerja sekarang ni macam hmmm grown up nya.

Stay tuned to my next post of my new year resolution, yayy!

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