Hello 2016.

My first post for new year, 2016. Yeayyyyyyyyyy! (lame)

I've been away for a long time. There are times when I feel like writing/ranting about things in here but obviously, it never happened. I am the queen of procrastination, I really am. I just finished my third semester which is one and half year for my degree a week ago. I did my best for finals, I think I did my best for this semester. Now, I am just hoping that all my effort will give a good result. Ameen.

I was mentally and emotionally tortured during the freaking one whole month of final exams. I was really really tortured. Spent most of the time with my boyfriend, literally. My companion. I am so thankful that I have him in my life. My personal motivator, my partner in crime. There are times when we both yelled at each other and argued about little things because we both were so stressed but that moments are the moments that actually makes us stronger. My love for him goes deeper each day.

Semester break! I was planning to look for a job. Yes, I desperately need money for shopping and to pay the bills. Went for job hunting but none of them have called me. Sigh. Tak ada rezeki namanya. Hence, mereput dekat rumah. Nothing can beat the feels of being at home, with my family. Its true. Therefore, I'm just gonna enjoy the moment for the time being.. 

Kelmarin aku experience the worst period pain ever. Like seriously, EVER! It was like the ultimate pain. Sebelum ni aku tak pernah rasa sakit senggugut tu macam mana. Haaaaa kena sekali, melalak kau! Sakit dia, nauzubillah. and kau tak boleh nak buat apa-apa untuk hilangkan rasa sakit tu melainkan tunggu dia hilang dengan sendirinya. Itu yang paling perit kau nak menahan. But, I've survived. Allah bagi chance rasa, haa amekkkkk.

Belanja gambar stress sikit.

Oh, and I just turned 21 six days ago, so yes, I can vote for PRU now. Heh.

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