Bukit Tabur!

Short and simple.

1. This was really my first time ever hiking since 21 years. I used to do jungle tracking with my family but we all got busy, so-
2. For being a first timer, and I tell you it was not easy to do west tapi ramai yang puji kehebatan aku. HAHAHA. I'm proud of myself tho :')
3. Shall not trust their words. After went through one obstacle mesti cakap "dah sampai dah" but really, its not. Kau dah climb for almost two hours pun still tak nampak batang hidung ending dia.
4. If you girls wanna go for it, make sure bring a group friends. Because some obstacles are really hard and it is an advantage if you have long legs. Who says girls with hijab cant hike? We have proved it that we can! Go girls!
5. Dah sampai kat puncak, jumpa ada tiga orang mat saleh ni. Lawak gila. One of them cant stop talking to himself, literally. "Why am I here?" "I'm thankful that I'm still alive" "I wanna go home" and stuff. We cant stop laughing. He was innocently funny.
6. Everytime you sees a perfect view for taking pictures, do it! Because it wont be the same eventhough you go higher. But make sure be careful. I'm not suggesting to put your handphone in your pocket. Better letak dalam beg. Dah habis tangkap gambar simpan balik.
7. Alang-alang dah bangun pagi, dah naik sampai atas, habiskan terus. Jangan mudah putus asa.

Nampak bukit batu belakang tu? We came from there before here.
The craziest thing I have ever did.
Menerima matahari pagi.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy
Turun lagi sakit dari naik. Kalau boleh nak guling je turun bawah. Gonna do east, soon!

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