
I'm extrovert but I am shy. And awkward it doesnt make any sense.

I have this symptoms. Symptoms of not be able to express myself. Unlike most of you guys, I cannot describe things easily. Feelings nor idea. Its like-- you have an idea in your mind, but you do not know how to explain to others about it. At the end, you just gave up. People gonna take it as a joke. That you're a slow explainer. At first, I do not take it personally but time by time, it does actually hurts. It doesnt hurts when people make fun of you. It hurts when you know you're struggling much and it doesnt gets any better. Until you realize that one day, you stop talking. You stop talking to people. You stop expressing your feelings. 

Aku sendiri ada jumpa orang yang sama macam aku ni. Dia pun ada masalah yang sama. Kalau nak tunggu dia habis explain tu bolehlah sampai dah beranak dua. So aku faham betapa stressnya perasaan orang yang kena hadap aku hari hari ni. Yang selalu cakap tak habis. Yang selalu nak sampaikan cerita tapi tak dapat sampai kesudah. Yang selalu nak cakap something tapi akhirnya suruh lupakan je sebab kau tak reti macam mana nak cakap. Aku susun sepuluh jari mohon ampun dari hujung rambut hingga hujung kaki sebab menjadi seorang yg annoying. I really am.

Last sekali, confident level kau jatuh merundum. Rasa macam semorang tak nak cakap dengan kau sebab otak lembab. Dan akhirnya kau berundur dan mereput. Sedih. Kalau dulu aku banyak share benda dengan kau dan suddenly aku stop, tu maknanya aku rasa kau dah tak minat sebab tu aku makin jauh. Mungkin ada terguris sikit tapi tak apa. Aku tak pernah ada dendam. Aku dah ampunkan semua.

Eh, lapar pula menulis ni. Haha.

I am truly greatful to have my family and my friends who always have patience with me and being a really good listener. They are indeed my strength. The reason why I am not hiding behind the walls.

Be nice to everyone because we do not know how much ones are suffering.
Be kind.

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