Love Yourself.

p/s: this post is meant for girls only.

Here's to all the girls out there, my advice, please, before anyone else, first learn how to love yourself.

Each one of you deserves the best. Don't worry to be picky. Memang kena pun memilih. Sekarang ni susah nak cari lelaki yang baik. Yang boleh buat suami. Yang boleh jadi contoh yang baik kepada kau and your future kids. Yang boleh didik kau untuk jadi manusia lebih baik. Yang boleh hormat kau, keluarga kau dan orang lain juga. A guy that your parents, family and friends will approve. It's their lost if they can't accept your flaws. Kau tak rugi apa pun. Do what ever you always wanted to do. Do what ever that makes you happy. Of course yang tak bertentangan dengan ajaran Islam. 

Paragraph ni khas untuk yang ada pakwe. Memang trend sekarang, girlfriend treat their boyfriend like her husband. No. Before a man meet and ask a blessings from your parents, before a man make you his wife, before tok kadi and all the witnesses lafaz kata "sah", before a man put a ring on your finger, you owe him nothing. You're only have to obey to your mom and dad. Seriously, you don't need a third parent. Why would you? Tak pernah sebut dalam al-Quran pun berdosa kalau tak ikut cakap boyfriend.

Girls, please choose someone that can brings out the real you. Who loves to see you grow. 
Who supports your carrier. Who helps you to find yourself. Who let you dream. 
Who encourage you to unleash your passion and talent. 
Because one day, you have no one to blame but yourself.

Jangan jadi bodoh. Jangan buang masa. Jangan cinta buta. Disebabkan cinta, kau sanggup buat apa sahaja untuk dia. Belum tentu pengakhirannya jodoh kau bersama. The most important is, don't let yourself be in an abusive relationship. Pakwe dah belasah kau sampai lebam pun kau kata masih cinta. Pakwe dah maki hamun kau tak ingat dunia pun kau kata masih cinta. Jangan buat kerja gila. Itu baru couple. Kalau dah kahwin, seumur hidup kau spend masa kau dengan dia entah apa jadi. Dia janji nak berubah. Ok fine. If he really loves you, then he will change. So kau tengoklah dia betul sayang kau atau pun tidak. Panas baran ni kau tak boleh volunteer untuk terima beb. Bahaya. 

Again, paragraph ni drifted sikit dari tajuk but what ever. Yes. Fall in love with someone who wants you, who waits for you, who understands you even in the madness; someone who helps you, and guides you, someone who is your support, your hope. Fall in love with someone who talks with you after a fight. Fall in love with someone who misses you and wants to be with you. Do not fall in love only with a body or with a face; or with the idea of being in love. For what reason pun kau nak fall in love dengan someone yang suka cari salah kau, yang halang kau buat itu ini. Your life, your choice.

Kau masih muda. Masih jauh perjalanan. Go out there. Go get a life. Pergi cari pengalaman banyak-banyak. Bergaul dengan ramai orang. Cuba buat benda yang kau nak buat tapi tak pernah cuba. Try something new. Learn from mistakes. Go for an adventure. See the world. Meet new people. There's a lot more that we've missed. Do what you love. Embrace your talent. Or else, you're going to regret for your whole life. Masa tengah bujang ni lah nak enjoy. Nanti dah kahwin, dah kena taat kepada suami, nak jaga anak, dah tak boleh nak buat semua tu. Limited.

Satu pesan akak, don't rush anything. When the time is right, it will happen. Boleh sayang orang lain tapi ingat, sayang diri sendiri tu dulu. ❤♡♥

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