Nik's Bacholerette Partyyyy!

More like pyjama party je lol. Sleepover for the last time sebelum dia tidur dengan abang dia. #eh 

So yeah! My highschool bestfriend is getting married!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, what is this feeling. One day you guys are talking about stupid monkey relationship during school and the dramas. The next day, you guys are talking about having someone permenant as your whole life partner, at this age, the age of 21, where you only 4 years graduated from sekolah. It is, man. I'm telling you. 

Masa Nik bagi tahu yang dia dah bertunang months ago, aku macam "WHAAAAATTTTTTTT?????" "IS THIS FOR REAAAAAALLLL??" "BCS I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU YETTTTTTTT" that kind of feeling. Tapi subhanaaAllah gembiranya kitorang untuk dia, tak terkata beb. Kalau aku cerita macam mana semua ni boleh jadi mesti readers semua macam "awwww". Tapi aku sebagai kawan yang baik, aku tak nak share pasal privacy orang lain. Ceh ceh.

We wanted to do a surprise for her actually. Tapi masa hari kejadian tu dia ada hal lain, so kitorang terpaksa bagi tahu awal-awal yang kitorang nak mai tidoq rumah dia. Cedih tak pat buat surprise. Hukhuk. But anyhow, masa kitorang dah datang rumah dia, funnily, kitorang halau dia keluar dari bilik dia! Kahkahkah. Hias bilik sikit-sikit and still proceed dengan idea nak surprise tu.

Balloons, cake, flower, crown (not in the picture). What girls would have wanted. Kita kasi girlfriend kita maa.

I am so happy that she loves it. Yeke? Nik suka dak?! HAHAHA. Lepas dah surprise apa semua, kita dok tangkap gambar guna Macbook sambil facetime dengan Sakinah yang nun jauh di bumi Eropah. Yang nangis tak dapat join. Huhu. Main make-up. Borak borak. Cari lagu untuk majlis. Borak borak. Haih. Still tak percaya kawan aku nak kahwin. Less than 2 weeks weh. Pfffftt. But I can't wait!

Here's some pictures of us playing around like we are still highschoolers. Teehee ;D

Because whenever I'm with them, it feels like we are teenager again. Countdown hari bernikah!

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